Taxonomic list T2F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

anatomical conduit

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Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
242873 10813
anatomical conduit
canalis anatomicus
323098 7287 part
longitudinal canal of modiolus
canalis longitudinalis modioli
7174 3624 part
coronary sulcus ; atrioventricular sulcus
sulcus coronarius ; sulcus atrioventricularis
7175 14786 part
right coronary sulcus
sulcus coronarius dexter
7176 14787 part
left coronary sulcus
sulcus coronarius sinister
75373 811 part
(canal of vertebral artery of atlas )
(canalis arteriae vertebralis atlantis )
75378 301
nutrient canal
canalis nutricius
54370 389 part
nasolacrimal canal
canalis nasolacrimalis
7177 3622 part
anterior interventricular sulcus of heart ; anterior longitudinal sulcus
sulcus interventricularis anterior cordis
7178 3623 part
inferior interventricular sulcus of heart ; posterior interventricular sulcus; posterior longitudinal sulcus
sulcus interventricularis inferior cordis ; sulcus interventricularis posterior
58781 2147 part
adductor canal
canalis adductorius
19928 1899 part
inguinal canal
canalis inguinalis
12256 785 part
intervertebral foramen T3 76 children
foramen intervertebrale
72180 10316
cervical intervertebral foramen
foramen intervertebrale cervicale
306231 10323 part
intervertebral foramen of axis
foramen intervertebrale axis
72181 9308 part
intervertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
72182 10315 part
intervertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quartae
72183 10324 part
intervertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quintae
72184 7528 part
intervertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis sextae
72185 10336 part
intervertebral foramen of vertebra prominens
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae prominentis
306219 10472 part
cervicothoracic intervertebral foramen ; intervertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra ; C7-T1 intervertebral foramen
foramen intervertebrale cervicothoracicum ; foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae primae
9144 10319
thoracic intervertebral foramen
foramen intervertebrale thoracicum
9340 10356 part
intervertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9341 10357 part
intervertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9342 10358 part
intervertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9943 10403 part
intervertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9944 10413 part
intervertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9967 10420 part
intervertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9990 10422 part
intervertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10013 10423 part
intervertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10036 10424 part
intervertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10058 10460 part
intervertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10080 11917 part
intervertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
10101 10350
thoracolumbar intervertebral foramen ; intervertebral foramen T12-L1
foramen intervertebrale thoracolumbale ; foramen intervertebrale T12-L1
72186 10320
lumbar intervertebral foramen
foramen intervertebrale lumbale
72188 10101 part
intervertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis secundae
10102 part
intervertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
10103 part
intervertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quartae
10104 part
intervertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quintae
72191 10351
lumbosacral intervertebral foramen ; L5-S1 intervertebral foramen
foramen intervertebrale lumbosacrale ; foramen intervertebrale L5-S1
306221 10347
sacral intervertebral foramen
foramen intervertebrale sacrale
306223 10352 part
intervertebral foramen of second sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis secundae
306225 10353 part
intervertebral foramen of third sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis tertiae
306227 10354 part
intervertebral foramen of fourth sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis quartae
306229 10355 part
intervertebral foramen of fifth sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis quintae
58837 7025 part
hyaloid canal
canalis hyaloideus
54774 510 part
optic canal of sphenoid
canalis opticus ossis sphenoidalis
53165 13523
cranial canal T3 166 children
canalis cranii
57758 676 part
maxillary hiatus
hiatus maxillaris
329325 13795
canal of ear
canalis auris
8874 part
tunnel of spiral organ
cuniculus organi spiralis
9289 part
external tunnel of spiral organ
cuniculus externus organi spiralis
9290 part
internal tunnel
cuniculus internus
9291 part
intermediate tunnel
cuniculus intermedius
56435 554 part
posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani
canaliculus posterior chordae tympani
14132 part
anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani
canaliculus anterior chordae tympani
56439 561 part
semicanal of tensor muscle of tympanic membrane
semicanalis musculi tensoris tympani
56442 562 part
semicanal of auditory tube ; bony auditory tube
semicanalis tubae auditivae; semicanalis tubae auditoriae
56454 585 part
cochlear canaliculus
canaliculus cochleae
14062 part
subcochlear canaliculus
canaliculus subcochlearis
56460 592 part
inferior tympanic canaliculus ; tympanic canaliculus
canaliculus tympanicus inferior
53135 383 part
anterior ethmoidal foramen of orbit
foramen ethmoidale anterius orbitae
57443 2422 part
foramen cecum of tongue ▲
foramen caecum linguae
77839 7343 part
vas prominens of cochlear duct of internal ear of internal ear
vas prominens ductus cochlearis auris internae
53136 384 part
posterior ethmoidal foramen of orbit
foramen ethmoidale posterius orbitae
53144 401 part
sphenopalatine foramen
foramen sphenopalatinum
53154 524 part
foramen rotundum
foramen rotundum
53155 525 part
foramen ovale
foramen ovale
54785 526 part
(sphenoidal emissary foramen)
(foramen venosum )
54372 368 part
palatovaginal canal of external surface of cranial base
canalis palatovaginalis basis cranii externae
53156 527 part
foramen spinosum
foramen spinosum
53158 528 part
(foramen petrosum)
(foramen petrosum )
54799 512 part
superior orbital fissure of sphenoid
fissura orbitalis superior ossis sphenoidalis
54802 388 part
inferior orbital fissure of orbit ; sphenomaxillary fissure
fissura orbitalis inferior orbitae
54753 501 part
carotid sulcus of sphenoid
sulcus caroticus ossis sphenoidalis
54756 542 part
pterygoid canal
canalis pterygoideus
56432 358 part
jugular foramen of cranial base
foramen jugulare basis cranii
302859 650 part
nasal foramen
foramen nasale
53173 362 part
greater palatine foramen
foramen palatinum majus
57761 361 part
greater palatine canal
canalis palatinus major
53145 421 part
parietal foramen
foramen parietale
75305 10654 part
incisive foramen
foramen incisivum
59107 10653 part
incisive canal
canalis incisivus
59473 755 part
mandibular canal
canalis mandibulae
53172 753 part
mandibular foramen ; inferior alveolar foramen
foramen mandibulae ; foramen alveolare inferius
75370 468 part
hypoglossal canal
canalis nervi hypoglossi
material fissure
fissura corporea
7811 part
abducens nerve canal
canalis nervi abducentis
302871 711 part
lesser palatine foramen
foramen palatinum minus
53159 551 part
mastoid foramen
foramen mastoideum
54952 552 part
facial canal
canalis nervi facialis
75762 553 part
geniculum of facial canal
geniculum canalis nervi facialis
55805 556 part
carotid canal of temporal bone
canalis caroticus ossis temporalis
56438 559 part
caroticotympanic canaliculus
canaliculus caroticotympanicus
55808 560 part
musculotubal canal
canalis musculotubarius
56451 578 part
vestibular canaliculus ; vestibular aqueduct
canaliculus vestibuli ; aqueductus vestibularis
56459 587 part
mastoid canaliculus
canaliculus mastoideus
75764 593 part
petrous fossa of temporal bone
fossula petrosa ossis temporalis
55816 591 part
stylomastoid foramen
foramen stylomastoideum
59048 659 part
infraorbital canal
canalis infraorbitalis
57718 663 part
infraorbital foramen
foramen infraorbitale
53166 669 part
alveolar foramen of maxilla
foramen alveolare maxillae
57743 670 part
alveolar canal of maxilla
canalis alveolaris maxillae
57412 17017 part
supraorbital foramen
foramen supraorbitale
57409 17018 part
(frontal foramen )
(foramen frontale )
57443 439 part
foramen caecum ▲
foramen caecum ossis frontalis
75372 7286 part
spiral canal of modiolus
canalis spiralis modioli
321537 14131 part
perilymphatic duct
ductus perilymphaticus
17013 part
cranioorbital foramen
foramen cranioorbitale
17014 part
sphenotemporal foramen
foramen sphenotemporale
17015 part
orbitocranial canal
canalis orbitocranialis
17016 part
orbitoethmoidal canal
canalis orbitoethmoidalis
7566 888 part
superior thoracic aperture; thoracic inlet
apertura thoracis superior
7567 889 part
inferior thoracic aperture; thoracic outlet
apertura thoracis inferior
17272 1086 part
pelvic inlet
apertura pelvis superior
17273 1087 part
pelvic outlet
apertura pelvis inferior
25715 1513 part
obturator canal
canalis obturatorius
17537 part
(interpubic canal )
(canalis interpubicus )
118 items
278 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The canalis facialis has four segments or parts (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York), labyrinthine, tympanic, pyramidal and mastoid.
The space for the geniculum is also known as Fossa geniculata (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York).
The chorda tympani passes from the facial canal through the posterior tympanic canaliculus to enter the tympanic cavity, then leaves through the anterior tympanic canaliculus to reach the petrotympanic fissure.
The inferior tympanic canaliculus transmits the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, whereas the posterior and anterior tympanic canaliculi transmit the chorda tympani.
Since there are other foramina in the mandibula, it has been suggested to use the term Foramen alveolare inferius for the Foramen mandibulae, according to its contents, the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle (Buch 2011 Clin Anat 24:515-517).
Current description of the heart follows an attitudinally appropriate fashion; this has implications for the naming of multiple parts of the heart (Anderson and Loukas 2009. Clin Anat 22:47-51; Farré et al. 2010 Pace 33:597-507).
See note # 14061
See note # 554
The variant cranioorbital foramen and the sphenotemporal foramen may form channels through which branches of the external carotid artery participate in orbital vascularization (Ducasse et al.1985 J Fr Ophthalmol 8:333-339).
See note # 17013
New term suggested by Mazura et al. (2023)
Type of list T2F
List Unit Identifier 10813
Sublist 1 785 foramen intervertebrale 76/33 on 30.10.2024
Sublist 2 13523 canalis cranii 166/65 on 30.10.2024
Subtotals subchildren 242 subunits 98
Proper children 35
Number of children 277 (validated)
Proper units 20
Number of units 118 (validated)
Signature 5993 (validated since 6.1.2025)
Date: 06.01.2025